Testing For Current Students


Disability Accomodations for Testing

Students with disabilities may qualify for testing accomodations. If you are a current students who need disability accomodations for testing, you must first enroll with Disability Support Services (DSS).

If you are a already enrolled with DSS and have testing accomodations approved, you can schedule testing through the DSS online system.

  1. Log on to DSS Online Services website.
  2. Click on Alternative Testing on the left side of screen under My Accommodations. The Alternative testing contract will display.
  3. Select the class you are requesting test accommodations. Click on Schedule an Exam after choosing the class. The No Alternative Testing Contract Specific means the instructor has not given the DSS office information on proctoring the exam. Students can still schedule their exams without a contract in place. 
  4. Please read carefully the terms and conditions of Requesting Exam without Alternative Testing Contract.
  5. Fill out the exam/quiz details carefully and completely. Missing information will delay processing the request. Students can see their class schedule for the class. Click on Add Exam Request after completing the form and clicking on reading the terms and conditions box.
  6. The screen will display System Update is Successful. If you click on Alternative Testing under My Accommodations, it will show any upcoming exam requests for the current term. The Assessment Center will contact you to finalized all requests. Students can schedule all their quizzes, exams and finals for the entire quarter.