Manage - Update Preferred First Name


View Update Preferred First Name in Full Screen 

Abbreviated Instructions (Student View)

  • Click ‘My Profile’.
  • Click sub-menu, ‘Biographical Information
  • In the upper right-hand corner, click ‘Add Name’.
  • Add additional information as needed.
  • Make sure to save before quitting or logging out.

Continue for detailed instructions. 

Step 1 (Student View)

Step 1 (Student View)

On the LionsLink Portal, click on ‘ctcLink Login’.

Step 2

Enter your ‘ctcLink ID’ number and ‘Password’. Then click on the ‘Sign in’ button.

If you forgot your password, click on ‘Password Help’ to reset it. Additional directions can be found in the Reset Your LionsLink Account Password tutorial. 

Step 3

On the left side navigation bar, click ‘My Profile’.

In the newly appeared dropdown, select ‘Biographical Information’.

Step 4

Click Add Name’. Then click on Preferred’.

Step 5

Fill out information fields and click Save’.

Only first name and last names are required information fields.

Step 6

Review your changes in the 'General Info tab.