Facilities & Operations FAQs

How do I submit a work order?

  1. Go to the MegaMation™ work request order page.
  2. Choose Work Request Entry.
  3. Choose Building or Outdoors.
  4. Enter the information requested. Choose from drop-down Maintenance, Custodial, Grounds.
    Note: If you are not sure which to choose, make a best guess; it can be changed later.
  5. Enter a good description. You may attach a document, picture, or drawing.
  6. Click Save.
  7. An automated email will be generated when Work Requests are received and completed.

LWTech Facilities & Operations work request page


How do I request a room setup?

Submit your a work order via MegaMation to request a room setup and to put an event on our radar.
You may attach a document, photo, or drawing. 

How do I request a key?

Key requests are processed via Campus Public Safety by contacting them via email.

How do I request space?

To request a space or renovate a space, you must fill out a Space Acquisition/Relocation form and submit it to the Facilities Planning Council

How do I order paper?

Go to MyLWTECH and fill out the form to order paper, envelopes, and labels. Download the Central Supply User Guide for detailed instructions on how to order paper. 

How do I request a fleet vehicle?

Use your Outlook calendar to request an LWTech vehicle:

  • On your personal calendar, set up a meeting for the date and time that you need a vehicle.
  • Each vehicle has its own Outlook address. They are listed in the global address list under “Fleet."  
  • If you want to see if a vehicle is available, you can view a fleet calendar by opening the calendar under Open Calendar/from Address Book.
  • Add the vehicle as though it was an attendee to the meeting, and “invite” the vehicle. 

You can download detailed instructions on how to access the LWTech fleet vehicle calendars in your Outlook. 

How do I request a sign?

You can request a sign by filling out the Sign Request Form. This process will be moved to the MegaMation work request online form soon!

How do I request a bike locker?

If you are an employee, you may request a bike locker on a quarter-by-quarter basis by filling out the Bike Locker Rental Form and submitting it through the Facilities administrative assistant in E199G. There is a rental cost and refundable fee for the key. If there is availability, the administrative assistant will sign the form and you can take it to the cashier.  

How do I get reimbursed for my bus pass?

Fifty percent of your expenses to ride the bus are refundable through the college's Commute Trip Reduction program. Just bring your original receipt to the Facilities administrative assistant in E199G. You will receive an authorized form to take to the cashier for reimbursement.

How do I surplus equipment?

You can end equipment no longer in use to State Surplus. This process is through MegaMation work request. Be sure that there is an inventory number on the equipment. You will need to have this number for the MegaMation requester to surplus the item.

How do I find out about Construction/Capital Projects?

The director maintains a current status spreadsheet on all projects. More information about all ongoing and planned construction and capital projects can be found on the Capital Projects page