
LionsLink Powered by ctcLink (black lion graphic)LionsLink Powered by ctcLink is a self-service cloud-based software that provides a set of common, mobile-friendly tools for students and staff to manage college business online, such as enrolling for classes, managing budgets, processing payroll, and other college business. 

Log-in to LionsLink

Classic View Login

Employee Training and Support Sessions

Step 1A - Activate Your Account

Employee Account Activation

  • Activate your account to get started in LionsLink powered by ctcLink
    • Please note: If you have already received a ctcLink ID number from another college, you do not need to activate your account or receive a new number. The ctcLink ID number you already have is what you will use at LWTech.
  • You can look up your Employee ID with LWTech's LionsLink Student & Employee ID Look up tool.

Step 1

Go to the LionsLink Powered by ctcLink Account Activation page.

Step 2

Select Activate Your Account link at the bottom of the page

Step 3

Select OK to be redirected to the ctcLink Activate Your Account Page.

Step 4

On the Activate Your Account page, enter your legal name and date of birth in the fields provided and select Submit.

In the ID Type box: 

  • Leave the drop down set to *ctcLink ID (new) and enter your new Employee ID number (EMPL ID) you received through email.
  • If you were an employee at LWTech prior to February 28th 2022, you can also activate your account by changing the drop down to *SID (old) and entering in your SID number in the box that follows.

Step 5

On the Set Your Password page:

  1. Enter your LWTech employee email address.
  2. Review the account recovery options. Enter a phone number for text and one phone number for voice (can be the same if phone number receives text messages).
  3. Set your password based on the requirements listed. Verify your password.
  4. Select the Submit button.

Step 6

From the pop-up window, make note of your Employee ID Number. It will not display again. Select the OK button.

Step 7

When the Account Activation confirmation message displays, close the browser to complete the process.

You’re done! You have successfully activated your LionsLink (powered by ctcLink) account!

Step 1B - Log-in to Your Account Using Multi-Factor Authentication

Classic View Login

At LWTech we have enabled Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for all employees when logging into LionsLink. This enhances overall system security and keeps your account more secure. Follow the directions to sign-in to your LionsLink account using multi-factor authentication (MFA) and set-up additional authentication options.

Before getting started:

  • After you activated your account, make sure that you closed your web browser (including all open tabs ).
  • We suggest using Chrome or Firefox as they are the preferred web browsers. 
  • Ensure that pop-up blockers are disabled. 

Step 1

Go to the LionsLink/ctcLink sign on page.

  1. Enter your LionsLink/ctcLink ID number into the ctcLink ID field. 
  2. Enter your password into the Password field. 
  3. Select the Keep me signed in box every time you log in. When a user selects "Keep me signed in" and successfully authenticates ctcLink, the device will remember the user for the next 16 hours. This means a user won't be prompted repeatedly for MFA throughout the workday, provided: 
    1. You use the same browser, and 
    2. Your browser settings are not set to clear cookies every time you close your browser.
    3. The MFA cookie expires automatically after 16 hours, which means you'll need to MFA when you log back in. 
  4. Select the Sign in button.

ctcLink Login Page with Keep Me Signed In Checkbox

Step 2

A Verify it's you with a security method pop-up message appears.

  1. Employees will only have the option to select Phone as a security method. Faculty and students can choose the  Select buttons to the right of the Email or Phone  security method options. 
    1. Your first-time logging into LionsLink powered by ctcLink you will not be able to use the Enter a Code or Get a Push Notification options. Please see the Setting Up and Using Okta Verify section below for more information on how to set up and use these verification methods on your electronic device.
    2. To enhance account security, always select the Enter a Code, Get a push notification or Phone options.
      phone or email option

Step 3

The next series of screenshots show what you will see when you select the Phone or Email MFA options.

  1. Phone Screenshots
    1. The Verify with your phone pop-up message will appear.
    2. Please select Receive a code via SMSVerify with your phone page with button to receive a code via SMS
    3. A new popup message will appear. Enter the verification code in the text message you receive from ctcLink in the Enter Code box.
    4. Select Verify. Verify with your Phone page with enter code box and verify button
  2. Email Screenshots (Faculty and Students Only)
    1. The Get a Verification email pop up message will appear.
    2. Please select Send me an emailGet a verificaton email page with Send me an Email button
    3. A new pop-up message will appear. Select Enter a verification code insteadVerify with your Email page with a Enter a verfication code instead link
    4. Go to your email and find the email with the subject One-time Verification CodeEmail One-Time verification code
    5. You will now be on the Verify with your email pop-up message. Please Enter code from your email message and select VerifyVerify with your email page with Enter Code box and verify button

Step 4

You are now logged into your Okta My Apps homepage. Select the ctcLink box to get to the ctcLink Gateway page. Okta My Apps hompeage with ctcLink Gateway link

Step 5

Your screen will now show the pop-up message below. Enter your password and select Verify. After this you will see the ctcLink Gateway page. Verify with your password page

Setting up and Using Okta Verify for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

SBCTC recommends their staff use Okta Verify for ctcLink multi-factor authentication (MFA). Through the Okta Verify app, you can set up to receive a push notification or enter a code from an electronic device. Instructions for how to set up both are explained below.

Step 1

After logging into LionsLink powered by ctcLink. Select the Password Settings box on your My Apps Okta Homepage.

Okta Homepage Password Settings Box

Step 2

In the Security Methods column of your Account page, select the Set up button to the right of Okta Verify.Security Methods Okta Verify

Step 3

A pop-up notification will display. Please select the Set up button. Set up Security Methods Okta Verify

Step 4

You will need to go through multi-factor authentication (MFA) one more time with the phone (text) or email security methods before you can go to the next step in the process.

Step 5

Another pop-up notification will appear. Please follow steps 1 through 3 listed on the screen. Do not close this window, because you will need to scan the QR Code when requested. Set up Okta Verify QR Code

Step 6

You can now select the Get a push notification (Okta Verify) security method the next time you log in to LionsLink powered by ctcLink.

To use this verification method, follow the steps below: 

  1. Select the Select button to the right of the Get a Push Notification Okta Verify on the Verify it's you with a security method pop-up window.
  2. If you do not see this as an option on your screen, it could be because you are not in an incognito or private window. ctcLink will default to the last used MFA option. Select Verify with something else and you will then see the pop-up window mentioned in step letter 'a'.
    Get a push notification button
  3. Next the Get a Push Notification pop-up window will appear. Select Send push to get a notification sent to your electronic device.
    Push notification sent button
  4. Select the Yes, It's Me button at the bottom of the Okta Verify push notification that was sent to your device. Yes, it's Me button on device
Step 7

Another option you can select through the Okta Verify app is to Enter a code. To choose this method select 'Select' to the right of Enter a Code Okta Verify.
Enter a code option button

Step 8

The Enter a code pop-up message will appear.

Enter code from Okta Verify App

  1. Next go to the Okta Verify app on your electronic device.
  2. After pulling up your Okta Verify app, please select the picture of an eye.
    Okta verify by code with eye to click to reveal code
  3. A six-digit code will appear. This will change every 30 seconds. The progress bar above the code indicates how much time is left until a new code is generated. 
  4. Enter the six-digit code in the Enter a Code from the Okta Verify app box and select Verify
    Code generated with progress barEnter code from Okta Verify App
  5. Now you are signed into your My Apps Okta Homepage. Select the ctcLink box, and you will reach the ctcLink Gateway page. Okta My Apps Homepage with ctcLink selection button

Note: Additional multi-factor authentication resources can be found on the ctcLink Reference Center using the links below: 

Step 2 - Enroll in LionsLink 101 Canvas Course

LionsLink 101 Canvas Course

Need Canvas Help?

Canvas Help

Information about how to log-in and use Canvas can be found on the eLearning webpage

For password and login issues, please contact Information Technology Services (ITS).

For assistance with using Canvas, send an email to elearning@lwtech.edu from your LWTech email account. If you’re logged into Canvas, use the Help icon at left in the blue navigation bar and select Report a Problem.

Learn how to use the new system by self-enrolling in the LionsLink 101 Canvas course. This is a centralized location for new and current employees to receive training on system basics to get you started in the new system. If you are already enrolled, you can jump to a specific course topic by clicking on the link below.

The course includes:

Step 3 - Enroll in the Business Office Canvas Course (optional)

Business Office Canvas Training

Need Canvas Help?

Canvas Help

Information about how to log-in and use Canvas can be found on the eLearning website

For password and login issues, please contact Information Technology Services (ITS).

For assistance with using Canvas, send an email to elearning@lwtech.edu from your LWTech email account. If you’re logged into Canvas, use the Help icon at left in the blue navigation bar and select Report a Problem.

Depending on your job responsibilities, you may need to learn various Business Office processes such as purchasing, booking travel, dealing with college budgets, etc. Check with your supervisor to find out if you should enroll in the course and what sections should be reviewed. After some of the videos, there will be a mini quiz to check your understanding and grant you security access in the system. Select the button Business Office Canvas Training to self-enroll now.

Step 4 - Complete any Additional LionsLink Training with your Department

Talk with your supervisor about additional LionsLink training that you will need specific to your job responsibilities. 

Also, you will find additional training resources to continue your learning in the system in the LionsLink 101 course. If you can't find what you are looking for, please don't hesitate to reach out to Robin Desilet (robin.desilet@lwtech.edu), our LWTech IT Training Coordinator for assistance. 

If you run into any security or system issues in LionsLink, submit a IT Help Desk ticket

Self-Paced LWTech Canvas Courses

LWTech has created LionsLink training for employees that is centralized in Canvas. These courses are built out with locally developed videos, written guides, FAQ's, and more! Use the buttons below to self-enroll in the course or if you are already enrolled, you can jump to a specific course topic by clicking on the link. 

LionsLink 101

LionsLink 101 Canvas Training

Need Canvas Help?

Canvas Help

Information about how to log-in and use Canvas can be found on the eLearning webpage

For password and login issues, please contact Information Technology Services (ITS).

For assistance with using Canvas, send an email to elearning@lwtech.edu from your LWTech email account. If you’re logged into Canvas, use the Help icon at left in the blue navigation bar and select Report a Problem.

While designed for new employees, everyone is welcome to join and may find the information to be a helpful refresher on system basics. 

The course includes:

Business Office

Business Office Canvas Training

Need Canvas Help?

Canvas Help

Information about how to log-in and use Canvas can be found on the eLearning webpage

For password and login issues, please contact Information Technology Services (ITS).

For assistance with using Canvas, send an email to elearning@lwtech.edu from your LWTech email account. If you’re logged into Canvas, use the Help icon at left in the blue navigation bar and select Report a Problem.

If you need to purchase something, pay something, book travel, or otherwise deal with college budgets, this course is for you. After some of the videos, there will be a mini quiz to check your understanding and grant you security access in the system.

The course includes:

Faculty Center Overview

Logging in, viewing rosters, entering grades, and more! Specialized content specifically for Faculty.

View Faculty Center How-Tos in Full Screen

Logging In

  1. Open a web browser, and go to the LionsLink (Powered by ctcLink) login page (LWTech.edu/ClassicView)
    • Tip: Preferred web browsers are Firefox or Chrome.
  2. Enter your ctcLink ID number, and click on the Next button. Then enter your Password and click on the Verify button.
    • Tip: If you forgot your password, click on Password Help to reset it. Additional directions can be found in the FAQ’s on LWTech.edu/LionsLinkEmployees.
  3. Click on ‘Faculty Center’.

Faculty Center

  1. My Schedule is the default landing in Faculty Center.
  2. Below My Schedule you can access Class Roster
  3. Grade Roster is the place for Final Grades
  4. To view current and past contracts - Contract Info

My Schedule

  1. My Schedule is the default landing in Faculty Center.
    • View your schedule of classes - use the Change Term button to switch terms as needed
  2. You will want to use the Icons to help navigate

Grade Roster

  1. Below My Schedule you can access Grade Roster
    • Note: The Grade Roster is not activated until the grading time frame is open. Emails are sent to all faculty when grading is open.
  2. You will want to use the Icon to select the class

Submitting Final Grades

  1. From the Grade Roster, use the drop-down to assign a grade to each student
  2. Change Approval Status to Approved and click Save
  3. There is no confirmation issued to you after you’ve changed the Approval Status to Approved.

Note: After the Registrar’s official grade submission date deadline, you will see the word “Posted” next to the Approval Status field. 

Unsupported Features

  • Faculty should not use the Gradebook, Assignments nor Learning Management features in LionsLink.

Not Going Away

  • Use Canvas (our LMS) for gradebook, and assignments as you are now.
  • Legend remains the same for advising.

Locating Contract Info

  • Adjunct professors: The Contract Info page allows part-time instructors to view and accept (or reject) their quarterly teaching load contracts. 
  • Full-time faculty: use the Contract Info page to view and accept (or reject) a quarterly moonlight course contract.
    • Annual contract is still with HR as normal

Signing Contract

  1. Once your Dean has approved your quarterly contract, you will receive an email that it’s ready.
  2. Sign in to your Faculty Center, view your contract, and sign your contract by typing your initials and clicking Accept

Class Search

Using the Catalog Search functions inside Faculty Center you can search/view catalog data for all active courses in our system—even other schools that have already migrated to ctcLink. Should default to LWTech. 

Browse Course Catalog

This feature allows you to view when classes are Typically Offered during the year. 

Download Full Guide

LionsLink 101 Canvas Course

Learn how to use the new system by self-enrolling in the LionsLink 101 Canvas course. This is a centralized location for new and current faculty to get you started in the system.

If you are already enrolled, you can jump to a specific course topic by clicking on the link below.

LionsLink 101 Canvas Training

The course includes:

Upcoming Training Sessions

Keep learning and expanding your skills in the system! There are a variety of training and support sessions offered by LWTech and SBCTC.

Additional Support

Frequently Asked Questions

If you forgot your ctcLink password, please follow the steps below: 

  1. Navigate to the ctcLink Login page
  2. Select the Forgot your password? link. 
  3. Enter your ctcLink ID 
  4. Press the Tab or Enter key on your keyboard. 
  5. Your security questions will display. Provide an answer for each security question. 
  6. Enter your new Password. 
  7. Confirm your new Password. 
  8. Select the Submit button. 
  9. A pop-up window will confirm that your password has been reset. 
  10. Select the OK button. 
  11. Select the Close button. 
  12. Login into the ctcLink login page with your reset password. 

If you continue to experience issues with your password, please submit a helpdesk ticket through the ITS HelpDesk form. 

If you have already received a ctcLink ID number from another college, you do not need to activate your account or receive a new number. The ctcLink ID number you already have is what you will use at LWTech.

You can look up your Employee ID with LWTech's LionsLink Student & Employee ID Look up tool.

You will be able to use LionsLink seamlessly if you are an employee and a student. However, some LWTech employees have found it difficult to switch between Student View and Classic View. If you experience this issue, try opening each view in a different browser consistently, clear cache before opening a different view, or use incognito browser every time.

The tiles you will see in your ctcLink access correspond to your roles at LWTech.

Important note: the contact information you enter through the Personal Details tile in Employee Self Service will override the contact information you enter through the Profile tile in Student Self Service.

The ctcLink system will contain only one account for all of your activities, no matter how many colleges you are associated with. Once you log in, you will be presented with a way to choose which college information you wish to access at that moment.

Starting Friday February 16th, Security Question will no longer be a Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) option for LionsLink powered by ctcLink. This has never been a recommended option for employees or students at LWTech as it is not the most secure way to verify your identity. If you have any questions, please reach out to the ITS Help Desk.

IT Troubleshooting Guides

Clearing your browsers cache, cookies, and history, using a Chrome of Firefox browser, using incognito or private browsing, and removing pop-up blockers can help to alleviate many issues in LionsLink. Step-by-step directions are available below.

All IT guides can be found on the Information Technology Services Self-help and How-to Guides page

IT Services Help Desk

ITS Help Desk Ticket

Don't hesitate to submit a IT Help Desk Ticket for any LionsLink questions or concerns. 

When you submit a ticket, please include the following information, so we can quickly address your issue.

  • Clear description of the issue and who is experiencing it
  • Screenshot of your entire browser window
  • Navigational path where you are experiencing the issue
  • Steps you have taken to troubleshoot the issue
  • Provide a SBCTC Quick Reference Guide (QRG) if available