Media Relations

The Marketing and Communications media relations experts write press releases and prepare press kits. We also connect media with our faculty and staff to advise departments on how get the best media coverage.

For more information about how our team can help you with press release and press kits please contact: 
Executive Director/Executive Communications Officer, Marketing and Communications

When Press/Media Contact You Directly

If LWTech or a member of the faculty, staff, or a student is in the news (positive story) youโ€™re welcome to share links to the news story on social media, with your colleagues, and the community. In rare instances, negative news events involving our school, faculty, staff or students arise. Refrain from commenting in public, such as on LWTech social media platforms.

If a member of the media contacts you, please immediately get in touch with Leslie Shattuck, Public Information Officer. Short of simple requests for clarification on calendar items, all media requests should go through media relations in the Marketing and Communications department.

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