Intensive English Program (IEP)

LWTech Students and Instructors Talk About the IEP at LWTech

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The Intensive English Program at Lake Washington Institute of Technology, is designed to provide a solid foundation in the English language and the skills necessary to be successful in college and university courses. LWTech offers 5 levels of English language training for international students who have not met the English proficiency requirement for their intended academic program.

Levels 1-4

Student are enrolled in 20 hours of reading, writing, listening and speaking, and grammar.

Level Class
Level 1 Low Beginning ESL (INTL 016)
Level 2 High Beginning ESL (INTL 030)
Level 3  Low Intermediate ESL (INTL 040)
Level 4 High Intermediate ESL (INTL 050)

Level 5 (College Bridge)

3 Instructors + 2 Academic Classes + 1 Support Class

Students in Level 5 (Bridge) of the IEP enroll in three linked courses in a Learning Community Environment for 13 credits total. ENGL 093 - Beginning English (5 credits), one selective college level course (5credits), and INTL 095 - IEP College Transition (3 credits). 

How does the College Bridge Level Program Work?

  • Students are enrolled in the IEP version of the college’s Academic I-Best Program—which means some classmates are US students. 
  • In the classroom, there are two instructors: content instructor and basic skills (IEP College Transition) instructor. The basic skills instructor is in both English and college level course 50% of the time; benefit of this second instructor is infinite.
  • Basic skills instructor can be the voice of the IEP/I-BEST studentsrequest clarification of terms being taught, point out important vocabulary, and be in the classroom as an extra resource for the IEP/I-BEST students
  • Additional three credit class (INTL 095) is taught by the basic skills instructor.

ENGL 093 - Beginning English (5 credits)

  • Accelerated learning sectionsstudents have opportunity to advance through different levels of English based upon whether they meet course objectives; in other words, students can bypass a level, saving time and money
  • Student registers for ENGL 093, but may have students registered for ENGL 099 or ENGL 101 all in the same classroom
  • Students originally registered for ENGL 93 could find themselves finishing ENGL 099, and it will say on their transcripts that they completed ENGL 099 instead of ENGL 93

College Level Academic Course (5 credits)

Depending on quarter enrolled in the Bridge Level, your college level course will be one of the following:

  • General Psychology (PSYC 100)
  • Interpersonal Communication (CMST 210
  • Lifespan Psychology (PSYC 200)
  • Introduction to Public Speaking (CMST 220)
  • Introduction to Sociology (SOC 101)

INTL 095 - IEP College Transition (3 credits)

Only for students in the Level 5 (Bridge); small group setting with instructor learning vocabulary, grammar, and skills to help you succeed in your English and college-level classes.


$3,187.00 per quarter for Levels 1-4. Level 5 Bridge quarter is the regular international student tuition rate.