College Safety Information

Student safety is important at LWTech and there are offices, policies, and webpages dedicated to informing students about safety measures taken everyday. The information below is a shorter version available in other webpage locations. Visit the quick links to the right to learn more about these areas. We want you to learn about both your responsibility as a LWTech student to adhere to expectations, and resources available to report experiences.

The Campus Public Safety department enforces rules and polices for which you are responsible. Sometimes, this will include enforcing rules and policies for activities or behavior that occur off campus. Current staff doing this work include: the Director, Campus Public Safety (unarmed), and Campus Safety Technicians (unarmed).

Campus Public Safety does many things, besides provide on campus safety. However, the situations below are important to students and their families. Click on the topics below to learn how Campus Public Safety addresses important campus safety.

Campus Public Safety will address sexual assault differently, depending on the situation, whether it has happened to you, a friend or colleague, or if a student reports they are a level III sex offender.

If you are a victim of a sexual assault, either on-campus or off-campus at a college sponsored event, the first priority is to get to safety and get necessary medical treatment. The college encourages all students to report the incident after medical attention is provided; time is a critical factor for evidence collection and preservation. An assault should be directly reported to Campus Public Safety. Local police will be notified.

If you know of a student who is a victim of sexual assault, there are supports for that student. All students are encouraged to use the See Something, Say Something report. This report is online, free, and confidential. Visit the Reporting page and help your friend or classmate if they need to report an incident.

Campus Public Safety also has notifications about enrolled, level III sex offenders. To learn more, visit the Campus Public Safety webpage for that information.

LWTech is required to disclose all crime statistics for students and families. This information is public and available on this webpage.

Students also have access to the daily crime log.

LWTech maintains a alcohol and other drug free environment. As a federal requirement, LWTech has programs that address alcohol and other drug issues faced by college students. Short-term counseling, with referrals to off-campus counseling, therapy, or rehabilitation, is also available for students if they need more information about addiction recovery.

You matter an you are not alone. Suicide awareness is an important component of student social success. Campus administration has different approaches to supporting suicide awareness. To report an immediate concern about suicide for yourself or others, please contact the national suicide hotline at 1-800-273-8255. 

To find additional on campus support for suicide, please complete the See Something, Say Something report. The report goes to campus administrators who work to address the issue.

Safety escorts, if you feel unsafe walking on campus alone, are provided by calling (425) 739-8224, or x8224 from any on campus phone.
Campus Public Safety manages the college's response to all emergencies. This might include medical emergencies, an active shooter scenario, addressing physical emergencies like earthquakes, and managing emergency alerts (available for free to all students).

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