Lake Washington Institute of Technology (LWTech) recently discovered that it was the victim of a data breach incident. With the privacy and security of our organization, its students, faculty, staff, and other community members who trust and rely on us as our priority, we took quick and thorough steps to secure our systems and activate additional cybersecurity protocols. Additional information about this incident can be a found on the 🔗Data Security Incident Page.
Continental breakfast provided
West Building, W401
Dr. Amy Goings, LWTech President
West Building, W401
Seconde Nimenya
West Building, W401
Kristine Horndt, STTACC President
West Building, W401
Catered by Sam Choy’s Poke to the Max
East Building, E144
1:45 p.m.
2:45 p.m.
We will be collecting name badges during lunch, so don’t forget to bring them!
Continental breakfast provided
West Building, W401
Kristine Horndt, STTACC President
West Building, W401
Region A | West Building, W213C
Region B | West Building, W109
Region C | West Building, W111
Region D | West Building, W115
Region E | West Building, W310
Presenter: Sally Heilstedt, Associate Dean of Engagement and Learning
Explore a strengths-based approach to personal and professional goal achievement,
grounded in positive psychology theory and practice. Working and living from a place
of strength can lead to greater fulfillment and positive impact on those you serve.
Knowing your strengths and transferring them across contexts can increase self-esteem
and resilience. This interactive session will include a brief presentation followed
by personal interaction with one model for identifying and applying strengths and
the opportunity to collaboratively explore that model. Participants will discover
their own strengths and develop techniques for helping others do the same.
Presenter: Suzanne Ames, Dean - Design, IT and BAS Development
Attend this hands-on training to learn how to effectively answer difficult questions
to put your best foot forward. Participants will learn how to speak effectively about
community and technical colleges.
Presenter: Kim Infinger, Principal/Dean - High School Programs
In this workshop, participants will use a creative format to reflect upon key influences
and factors within our lives and gain a deeper understanding of others by learning
about their backgrounds/ personal experiences.
Presenter: Jamye Cameron, Director of Funeral Service Education
This presentation will be an overview of the Funeral Service Program at LWTech. The
highlights will be its unique position in the State of Washington, how Funeral Service
Education ties into other programs, and the Gifted Body Donation Program.
Presenter: Sally Heilstedt, Associate Dean of Engagement and Learning
Explore each of Daniel Goleman’s leadership styles, identify your default, and discuss
which styles work well in which situations. Leadership styles can be applied to project
development, serving students, and work with colleagues. We’ll brainstorm additional
applications and examples from movies and television, history, and literature.
Presenter: Rhonda DeWitt, Manager of Engagement and Learning
Learn how you can easily add audio/video to existing Powerpoint presentations using
the FREE Office Mix Add-on. The possibilities for using this tool are many, but we
will practice using it as a tool to introduce yourself and/or your department to new
students or employees to create a warm and engaging welcome.
Presenter: Antwinett Lee, Director of Nursing Programs
Have you ever felt like there were not enough hours in the day to get all your work
done? Or have you wished you could clone yourself to take care of some of the competing
demands for your attention? Well, it is time to hit the pause button and learn some
strategies for creating sacred space for Work/Life Balance. You Matter!
Presenter: Sheila Walton, Director of the Office of Student Life
How do you engage a student when they’re paying a bill or registering for classes?
Isn’t that something the Office of Student Life or Campus Life does? In times of low
enrollment student engagement and involvement has become an important tool for us
all. Visit this workshop and learn how you can engage students throughout your day.
Presenter: Elaine Sawyer
Join Environmental Horticulture and learn more about our one year co-hort program.
Explore our instructional arboretum and brush up on your plant ID skills, tour the
greenhouses and learn about plant propagation and plant something to take home.
Presenter: Ahmad Bennett, Coordinator - Center of Excellence for Veteran Student Success
This workshop will look at the barriers to discharged Vets going back to school. Faculty
and Administration will be introduced to Veteran culture and understand how best they
can support this population via cultural transition and immersion.
Presenter: Barry Robinson, Faculty - Science
LWTech employees from various departments came together and created a Wellness Challenge
that ran last summer and had over 70+ employee participants! This came from a shoestring
budget, lots of employee collaboration, and was quite the buzz. We will share our
successes and also what we will do differently next round. Our hope is that you will
leave inspired to start a wellness challenge at your college that raises awareness
around nutrition, water intake, mental wellness, exercise, and personal hygiene to
create spirited fun for your employees.
Presenter: Alisa Shtromberg, Website/Digital Content Specialist, Marketing
Professional Social Media networks such as LinkedIn, can be used to help your job
search, but also to make important professional contacts. In the fast changing world
of the internet, it is important to develop a professional online presence, but also
to keep your personal Social Media accounts separate and private. Learn some great
networking tips and the reasons why they are important, as well as some technical
challenges to overcome on platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.
Presenter: Mike Clifton, Faculty - Machining
Presenter: Amy Nehme, Program Supervisor - The Early Learning Center
Creative collaborations among The Early Learning Center and several programs on campus,
including the culinary program, transpired into a beautiful, functional garden for
the ELC children and a feel-good community building project.
Presenter: Kim Infinger, Principal/Dean- High School Programs
In this workshop, participants will use a creative format to reflect upon key influences
and factors within our lives and gain a deeper understanding of others by learning
about their backgrounds/ personal experiences.
Presenter: Jeannie Damon, Administrative Assistant - International Programs
We encourage our students to complete their degrees, we should consider completing
our own. Discover the ins-and-outs of using your tuition exemption benefits and getting
started on your degree path.
Presenter: Antwinett Lee, Director of Nursing Programs
Have you ever felt like there were not enough hours in the day to get all your work
done? Or have you wished you could clone yourself to take care of some of the competing
demands for your attention? Well, it is time to hit the pause button and learn some
strategies for creating sacred space for Work/Life Balance. You Matter!
Presenter: Jamye Cameron, Director of Funeral Service Education
This presentation will be an overview of the Funeral Service Program at LWTech. The
highlights will be its unique position in the State of Washington, how Funeral Service
Education ties into other programs, and the Gifted Body Donation Program.
Business Hours
Mon-Fri, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Campus Hours
Mon-Thurs, 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.
Friday, Closed to the public
Sat-Sun, Closed
Lake Washington Institute of Technology (LWTech) is committed to providing access to information for all, therefore we are taking the following measures to ensure accessibility of the college’s public facing website (, and third-party platforms utilized by students, staff, and community members.
The college is currently conducting an audit to determine the extent to which its website and third-party platforms are compliant.