Job Search

Job Search Tools

The Career Services at Lake Washington Institute of Technology provides a variety of job search services to students, alumni, and community members. Check out Career Services workshops and events for upcoming workshops and on-site employer events.

In addition, LWTech Career Services staff are available by appointment for individual one-on-one appointments for job search assistance (job search advice, resume critique, interview preparation etc.). For an appointment, call LWTech Career Services at (425) 739-8113 or email us at

Below are resources and links to assist in preparing for a job search. 

Resumes & Cover Letters

Job Search


Find a Job

Hire Lions is Lake Washington Institute of Technology's own job search site. Employers who want to employ LWTech students post their open positions at this college-based employment website. At this site students and job seekers can search for current job opportunities, upload their resume and apply for employment.


Employer Research